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Gain Insights, Build Relationships, Accelerate Your Business

As an attendee, you'll have access to cutting edge AI solutions, industry experts, and a network of like minded professionals. Learn how to save money, generate leads, and streamline operations while building lasting relationships with our powerful backend system. Take action now and secure your spot at the summit – your competitors won't wait!


A Day Packed with Insights, Innovations, and Opportunities

The AI Powered Business Summit offers a carefully curated agenda designed to maximize your learning and networking experience. This is your opportunity to engage with industry leaders and unlock the power of AI for your business.

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM


2:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Exhibitor Room

2:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Ai & Technology Panels

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM


7:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Networking Circle

This event is for those who know staying stagnant isn't a strategy.

Reach decision makers ready to adopt new solutions. Showcase your products or services, generate qualified leads, and forge partnerships that accelerate your business.

Who You'll Reach and What You'll Gain:

  • Connect with C-level executives, decision makers, and industry leaders

  • Discover cutting edge AI solutions to optimize your business processes

  • Build strategic partnerships and expand your professional network

  • Unlock exclusive rewards and opportunities through our invite code system

  • Gain a competitive edge by staying ahead of the latest AI trends and innovations

  • Connect with the right people, unlock rewards for engagement, and build lasting relationships with our powerful backend system. Your key to networking success.


    • Engaging keynote speeches from renowned AI experts and business leaders

    • Interactive panel discussions on AI implementation and best practices

    • Valuable networking opportunities with like-minded professionals

    • Exclusive access to event resources and post-event materials

    • Unforgettable experiences and lasting connections that drive business growth

    Your Questions Answered

    Is the AI Powered Business Summit right for me?

    If you're a business leader, decision maker, or professional looking to harness the power of AI, then this summit is made for you!

    I've attended events that didn't live up to the hype. How is the AI Summit different?

    We understand your concerns, and that's exactly why we created this summit. Our event is designed to cut through the noise and deliver real value. We've carefully curated our speaker lineup, agenda, and networking opportunities to ensure that you leave with actionable insights, valuable connections, and a clear understanding of how AI can benefit your business. We're not here to make empty promises – we're here to deliver results.

    Will I actually be able to meet the right people and make meaningful connections at this event?

    Absolutely! We know how challenging it can be to meet the right people at business events. That's why we've implemented our custom backend platform to help you connect with the most relevant attendees. Our invite code system ensures that you'll be surrounded by high caliber professionals who are just as motivated as you are to forge valuable partnerships and drive business growth.

    I'm a total AI newbie. Will I be completely lost at this summit?

    Absolutely not! We've designed the AI Powered Business Summit to be accessible for everyone, from AI enthusiasts to complete beginners. Our speakers will break down complex concepts into easy to understand ideas, so you'll leave feeling like a pro.

    What's in it for exhibitors?

    Exhibitors gain access to a highly targeted audience, generate qualified leads, showcase their expertise, position themselves at the front of innovation and build valuable partnerships.

    What's the food situation like at the summit?

    We take food seriously around here! There’s no learning on an empty stomach. Our gourmet Glatt Kosher meal, snacks and refreshments will be available throughout the day!

    I'm not sure if I can convince my boss to let me attend. Any tips?

    We've got your back! We know that getting approval for professional development can be a challenge, so we've put together a handy "convince your boss" toolkit. It's packed with persuasive arguments, ROI data, and even a customizable email template. With these tools in your arsenal, your boss will be practically begging you to attend.

    Can I get a recording of the content after the summit?

    Absolutely! We believe in the power of ongoing learning and reference. All attendees will receive access to a digital library of speaker presentations, resources, and materials after the summit. You can revisit your favorite sessions or catch up on any you missed at your own pace.

    How can exhibiting help me generate high quality leads and fill my sales pipeline?

    As an exhibitor at the AI Powered Business Summit, you'll have direct access to our invite only audience of leaders, innovators and action takers who are actively seeking solutions to their business challenges. Our backend platform will help you to identify and connect with your ideal prospects, while our lead scanning and capture tools will make it easy to collect and follow up on valuable leads.

    What if I register and then I can't attend? Can I transfer my ticket to a friend?

    We know that plans can change, and we want to make it as easy as possible for you to attend. If you need to transfer your ticket to a friend, just let us know before the event and we'll be happy to accommodate your request. And if your friend is even smarter and funnier than you are, we won't even hold it against you!

    Can I bring my robot assistant to the summit?

    As much as we love robots, we kindly ask that you leave your mechanical friends at home. We want to keep the focus on human connections and insights.

    Why should I invest my time and resources into learning about AI?

    AI is not just a passing trend – it's a transformative technology that is already reshaping industries and redefining the way we do business. By investing in understanding AI now, you'll be positioning yourself and your organization to stay ahead of the curve and capitalize on the opportunities that this technology presents. You will cut through the hype and understand the real world applications and implications of AI for your business. Leave with a clear understanding of how AI can help you drive efficiency, innovation, and growth, both now and in the future.

    Get Unparalleled Networking, Cutting Edge Insights, Actionable Strategies, & Powerful Connections!